Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas with the Family

We had an interesting Christmas this year. It went off without a hitch, except for the one minor detail that I had a baby clinging to my side for dear life the entire time! Christmas Eve was at my house with my family. For the most part, everyone had a good time. I'm not entirely sure since I spent half of it in Oliver's room with him while he either screamed or nursed. He is just petrified of anyone other than Mick or myself. My mom let the kids open their presents from her before they went to bed.

Christmas morning we opened gifts at our place, then went to my grandparents' house for a yummy Christmas dinner. My oma is a FANTASTIC cook! We stayed there until about 7pm, then came home.

Boxing day we had Mick's side of the family over for a little gift exchange and then dinner. I was beginning to feel a bit sick, and barely touched my food. Within 2 hours of everyone leaving, Mick and I were both hunched over the toilet, throwing up. Apparently EVERYONE got it... my mom, grandparents, both my sisters, my brother, the kids, the husbands, etc. Thankfully, it left almost as quickly as it came. Apparently my nephew was sick with it a few days before Christmas, and obviously passed it on to everyone when he was around us. The only good thing that came of it, was that I lost 7 lbs in one night. I'm pretty sure I've gained it all back since then, but I can't say for certain since I haven't stepped on a scale again.

Here's some pictures of the last few days.

My oma and Makenna

Mick and Oliver with my opa (who turns 91 today) Happy Birthday Opa!

My two favourite men. They're so cute!

Mick and I with the kids

Oliver "loving" Santa

Makenna all tuckered out in her Christmas dress.

My mom giving Oliver a present (a blanket)

My mom and I with my nephew Avery

Avery giving Oliver some love

My sister Chloe and my brother Andreas

My sister Odessa who is wearing a t-shirt announcing she's pregnant! Due August 10, 2010. We are so excited. This will be her first child.

I just realized I didn't get any pictures of Christmas morning! Not a single picture of us opening any gifts. I hope someone else was taking some, so I can scoop them. I forgot to mention, my favourite gift was from my husband... A Wii and Wii Fit! I LOVE it. I've used it every day since I got it. That thing is awesome!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

fluctuating weight

Once again, my weight is fluctuating back and forth, back and forth. I eat good for a couple of days, lose 2-4 lbs, then go back to eating junk food, and gain the weight right back. Getting over the one week hump is always the hardest. I've gained and lost weight in the past, and so long as I was able to get past an entire week with sticking to a healthy eating plan, I have been able to keep it up. I think it's like any addiction. You need to detox your body. I think my body is addicted to sugar, and I need to go through a sugar withdrawal until my system is clean. That way I won't crave it anymore. Well, that's what I'm hoping anyway.

Oliver, Makenna, and I all have a nasty cough. Oliver also had a fever last night and today. I feel so bad for him when he's not feeling well. I'm beginning to get the never-ending, one nostril, nose drip. Oh, and let's not forget the constant sneezing. It better be gone by Christmas. This is my favourite holiday, and I don't want to feel lousy. Mick had it too.... for one day! That always happens. We'll get sick at the same time, he'll get over it within 24 hours, and I will still be suffering 3 weeks later! What's up with that?! Speaking of my dripping nose, I need to go blow it now.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I am blessed

I realized that my posts started off pretty depressing. I just wanted to clarify that although I feel depressed about my body at times, I feel extremely blessed in life. I have two perfectly healthy, beautiful children. I have a husband who adores me, and who I love with all my heart. I have a roof over my head, a fridge full of food (well, actually right now it's empty, but once I go grocery shopping it will be full again. lol), and all the amenities life has to offer. I have a Saviour who was born for me, died for me, and rose again for me. It doesn't get any more amazing than that.

On that note, I want to leave you with some pictures of the most adorable little boy, wearing the most adorable little sleeper.

Oliver's Christmas pj's arrived today! Cutest sleeper I ever saw.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


So I guess I've been on a bit of a hiatus. It's not that I've forgotten about my blog, just that I have been too exhausted to write in it.
Oliver has been sick for the past 3 weeks. I wasn't sure what was wrong. He seems fine for much of the day, but every night is up coughing and having trouble breathing. I finally took him to the doctor's on Thursday, and it turns out he has bronchitis. The poor little guy is miserable. I am up for several hours every night with him, as well as ALL day (as he has not been napping since he got sick). He has a humidifier in his room, and I also take him outside into the cool air around 3am every night to help him breathe. He also has an inhaler now. I have been incredibly patient with him, never getting frustrated when I'm up for the majority of the night with him. Unfortunately, Makenna has been getting the brunt of my moodiness. I am terribly ashamed to admit I have been snapping at her left, right, and centre. I know it's not her fault that I'm not getting any sleep. Oliver is extremely demanding and clings to me like I am air, so he ends up getting the majority of my attention. I have not been spending the quality time with Makenna that she needs. In turn she acts out, and instead of me being compassionate towards her, I get her in trouble. I feel really guilty about how much she has been getting in trouble lately. I don't know how to solve the problem. It would be nice if my husband could give her the attention that she is lacking from me, but he works really long hours and goes to school two nights a week, plus Saturdays. He's just as exhausted as I am.
I just hope Oliver gets better soon... for his sake, mine, and Makenna's.