Sunday, March 28, 2010


Out of the blue Saturday morning, I woke up horribly sick. I threw up (but thankfully only once), had a head cold, stomach pains, a fever, and the chills. It only got worse as the day progressed, and by this morning I felt like I was on my death bed. I could barely move from the couch, let alone take care of two children. I have never missed my husband as much as I did today. It also doesn't help that Oliver has had an ear infection all week, and Makenna had a fever yesterday too.
Thankfully I have the BEST neighbours. They made me chicken noodle soup (from scratch I might add), and even went to the grocery store and picked me up some bread and milk. At noon my sister came over and watched the kids for almost 5 hours! She even got them out of the house for a couple hours so I could nap. When I woke from my slumber, I was drenched in sweat and my chills were gone. Success... my fever had finally broken. What a world of a difference that has made. I still have a head cold, but I can at least get up and move around and care for the kids.
Hope things only get better tomorrow!

Friday, March 26, 2010

My husband left me

It's been 18 days since my husband left to work in another province. He will be gone for 4.5 months total. I can't believe I've made it through the first 18 days in one piece. It's been hard, but I'm starting to get into a routine. I haven't had much time for my blog, but hopefully I will have more time soon.
Makenna had a really hard time with him being gone in the beginning. She cried for about a week straight, and asked to call him just about every hour. I think she's pretty much adjusted at this point, and never even asks to call him anymore.
I know it's been just as hard on Mick as it has been on us. He says he misses us even more than he thought he would. I think this separation has actually done wonders for our marriage. We had a good relationship to begin with, but this has just made us appreciate and love each other so much more now that we see what life is like without the other one by our side.
I can't gush enough about how devoted and dedicated my husband is to our family. To know what he is sacrificing to be able to provide for us, makes me so proud of him. I can't wait to see him again, and throw my arms around him.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Swinging good time

This past week has been so beautiful. I have been out with Oliver for a walk every day. I was even able to get him to the park one day. I was a bit worried that he wouldn't enjoy the swing because last summer he screamed when I put him in it. I was pleasantly surprised this time around... he LOVED it. He was giggling up a storm the entire time. It was so funny.

Last year in the swing

This year in the swing