Sunday, March 28, 2010


Out of the blue Saturday morning, I woke up horribly sick. I threw up (but thankfully only once), had a head cold, stomach pains, a fever, and the chills. It only got worse as the day progressed, and by this morning I felt like I was on my death bed. I could barely move from the couch, let alone take care of two children. I have never missed my husband as much as I did today. It also doesn't help that Oliver has had an ear infection all week, and Makenna had a fever yesterday too.
Thankfully I have the BEST neighbours. They made me chicken noodle soup (from scratch I might add), and even went to the grocery store and picked me up some bread and milk. At noon my sister came over and watched the kids for almost 5 hours! She even got them out of the house for a couple hours so I could nap. When I woke from my slumber, I was drenched in sweat and my chills were gone. Success... my fever had finally broken. What a world of a difference that has made. I still have a head cold, but I can at least get up and move around and care for the kids.
Hope things only get better tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you were feeling bad! I know how difficult it is to be stuck at home with the kiddos without the hubby but mine usually arrives at 6pm. Glad your neighbors were there to help, so nice of them! Hope you and those adorable kids are back to 100% soon!
