Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oliver is 7 months old!

My little Oliver is 7 months old today! Where is the time going?! He already has 2 bottom teeth, and a top tooth is starting to poke through the gums. He's been sitting like a champ for over a month now, and he's recently taken his first couple crawling steps. He's constantly up on his hands and knees, but collapses before he can maneuver too far. He LOVES sticking out his tongue and spitting at people. I'm not really sure what that's all about, since he's never seen anyone else do it. He's got this super, high pitched squeal when he's happy. He can also growl like it's nobody's business. All of his sounds are adorable... except for when he's screaming. I'm pretty sure that's just a given. He still wakes up 3 times/night to nurse, and nurses every 3 hours throughout the day. Infact, he doesn't even know how to use a bottle because he hasn't been given one since he was 3 weeks old. He loves his rice cereal, fruit, and veggies though.
He's still in love with me to the point that he can't leave my side. I've gotten used to showering with him, holding him while I go to the bathroom, while putting the dishes away, eating, vacuuming, etc, etc. He still won't go to other people, even if I'm standing right next to him. For the past 2 months, I've either had to stay home with him while my husband goes out with our friends, or I've had to take Oliver with us. On Nov. 28th, we are going to Mick's work Christmas party, so Oliver will be staying with my sister. I have a feeling we're going to be called back home before the dinner is even finished.

Here is a pic of the family just taken on Sunday

This is what happens when someone else holds Oliver. This is a pic of my mom.


  1. Oh wow that last picture made me laugh out loud.... but I know it's no laughing matter when you can't even use the restroom alone! I'll be praying he does ok for the party and you can get away for awhile!

  2. AWE! He is such a little cutie! Aubrey is also very attached to me, much more so than Autumn was but not clearly as much as Oliver is to you. I am sure you just eat it up but at the same time it can be very difficult. I just love his big ole cheeks! That last picture is definitely a keeper!
